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Vera Krstić Name: Vera Krstić
Date of Birth: December 16th 1968
Gender: female
E-mail: v.krstic@narodnimuzej.rs


Education   Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Archaeology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
(1996- ) Postgraduate student in Classical Archaeology
(1987-1994) BA in Classical Archaeology

(1997-1998) Alexander S. Onassis Foundation 

Employment   National Museum in Belgrade, Serbia
(2004 - ) senior curator in the Greek-Hellenistic Department
(1996-2004) curator in the Greek-Hellenistic Department
(1995-1996) assistant curator in the Greek-Hellenistic Department

Field Experience:
(2000- ) archaeological investigations at Kale in Krševica near Bujanovac
(1988-2000) archaeological excavations at Pontes-Kladovo, Kadica Brdo, Xanten, Germany, Zadar, Croatia, Ras-Postenje

Congresses and Meetings:

 (2006) The 25th Congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, "The Pottery of the Via Egnatia". "Cultural Exchange between East and West", Drac, Albania
(2005) Ζ΄ Επιστημονική Συνάντηση για την Ελληνιστική Κεραμική (7th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery), Aigio, Greece.
(2000) ΣΤ΄ Επιστημονική Συνάντηση για την Ελληνιστική Κεραμική (6th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery), Volos, Greece.

Membership in professional associations

(2006) member of Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores (RCRF)

Language skills:
Fluent in English, intermediate knowledge of Greek



1. Keramički tegovi iz Narodnog muzeja u Beogradu, Glasnik srpskog arheološkog društa 12, Beograd 1996, 143-151 (rezime na engleskom jeziku Vera Krstić, Clay Weights from Belgarde National Museum).

2. Magenta posude iz Grčke zbirke Narodnog muzeja u Beogradu, Zbornik Narodnog muzeja XVII-1: arheologija (memorie dicatum Gordana Marjanović-Vujović), Beograd 2001, 111-120 (rezime na engleskom jeziku: Vera Krstić, Magenta Vessels from the Greek Collection of the National Museum in Belgrade).

3. Hellenistic Pottery from Budva from the Greek Collection of the National Museum Belgrade, ΣΤ΄ Επιστημονική Συνάντηση για την Ελληνιστική Κεραμική(6th Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery), Βόλος 2000, 585-592.

4. Od Lepenskog vira do savremene umetnosti, Beograd 2002

5. Die Fürstengräber der Älteren Eisenzeit im Zentralbalkan u: Silber der Illyrer und Kelten im Zentralbalkan, Hochdorf/Enz 2004, 33-50 (katalog izložbe).

6. Das Silber bei den Illyrern u: Silber der Illyrer und Kelten im Zentralbalkan, Hochdorf/Enz 2004, 51-55 (katalog izložbe).

7. Slikani skifosi i kantarosi sa lokaliteta Kale u Krševici, Zbornik Narodnog muzeja XVIII-1: arheologija, Beograd 2005, 191-211(rezime na engleskom jeziku: Vera Krstić, Magenta Vessels from the Greek Collection of the National Museum in Belgrade).

8. Palavestra A., Krstić V., Magija ćilibara (Magic of Amber), Beograd 2006.

9. Influences from the East on the Hellenistic Pottery from Budva from the Greek Collection of the National Museum in Belgrade, 25th Congress of Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, Durrës, Albania 2006.

10. Balkani. Antiche civiltà tra il Danubio e l ´Adriatico, (katalog izložbe), str. ?????, 2007.

11. Terakote iz Grčko-helenističke zbirke Narodnog muzeja U Beogradu (Kolekcija S. Javorine), Zbornik Narodnog muzeja XIX-1: arheologija, Beograd 2009, 205-219 (rezime na engleskom jeziku: Vera Krstić, Terracottas from the Greek-Hellenistic Collection of the National Museum in Belgrade, Saša Javorina Collection).